Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day :)

What a great day to start my blog with :) If you know me you know that I am pretty environmental, although I could be better. I recycle as much as I can and I try to be very conscious of the things I buy and the waste my family and I make.

Today was beautiful, a wonderful day to be appreciative of our beautiful planet.
My son and I went to the water close to where where we live just to try to take in some of the nice weather (we don't get sunshine everyday here in Washington, so when we do we try to make the most of it) It was beautiful. I was so envious of the houses perched right on the hill just feet from the water! I got a shot of what one of the houses saw, can you imagine waking up everyday and this being the first thing you see?! Amazing!

we headed to an awesome park next, I cannot wait to do some photoshoots there. I looked for a field of flowers but mostly I just found tall grass. Im considering spreading some flower seeds in one of the fields and making my very own perfect flower field :) LOL.

I did find some flowers though

I even got close enough to a bee to snap its picture, not the best image but Im okay with that :) I am terrified of bugs, especially bees but I really wanted the shot!! 


1 comment:

  1. Love these shots! Grassy fields can be hard to find too, I can't wait to see some portraits here.
